FART FIRST. III VOICE OF MURAT The further details sent of Trafalgar Are not assuring VOICE OF LANNES What may the details be ? VOICE OF NAPOLEON (moodily) We learn that six-and-twenty ships of war, During the fight and after, struck their flags, And that the tigerish gale throughout the night Gave fearful finish to the English rage. By luck their Nelson's gone, but gone withal Are twenty thousand prisoners, taken off To gnaw their finger-nails in British hulks. Of our vast squadrons of the summer-time But rags and splintered remnants now remain.— Thuswise Villeneuve, poor craven, quitted him ! Thus are my projects for the navy damned, And England puffed {o yet more bombastry. —Well, well; I can't be everywhere. No matter; A victory's brewing here as counterpoise ! These water-rats may paddle in their salt slush, And welcome. 'Tis not long they'll have the lead. Ships can be wrecked by land! ANOTHER VOICE And how by land. Your Majesty, if one may query such ? VOICE OF NAPOLEON (sardonically) I'll bid all states of Europe shut their ports To England's arrogant bottoms, slowly starve Her bloated revenues and monstrous trade, Till all her hulls lie sodden in their docks, And her grey island eyes in vain shall seek One jack of hers upon the ocean plains ! VOICE OF SOULT A few more master-strokes, your Majesty, Must be dealt hereabout to compass such I